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The club is in the process of creating a development plan to act as a framework and guide operations between 2024 and 2027.


This will help keep Emus competitive on the field but also to ensure a great experience for the entire community off it.


The plan will be divided into a number of key focus areas across the club holistically, including:

  • Players (Senior, Junior, Wallas inc. parents)

  • Coaches and managers (Senior, Junior, Wallas)

  • Grounds and facilities (fields, clubhouse, gym, change rooms)

  • Operations (bar, hospitality, canteen, general management)

  • Community (non-playing Members, Old Boys, Emulators, spectators)



For more information contact Emus Junior President James Cardiff:



In late 2023, we called for feedback on our Development Plan's key focus areas through a Community Survey. Thirty-nine respondents provided feedback, a small sample size but sufficient to reflect community views and progress the project. 


The largest respondent groups were Juniors and Wallas parents, Emulators, coaches and past players. Feedback provided was overwhelmingly positive and focused on building greater depth in activities and plans for the club. Suggestions were constructive, with several themes noted including:


  • The club's strong community spirit was acknowledged, and improving connections between different demographics internally was highlighted.

  • Improving players' general rugby knowledge as well as their physical capabilities was highlighted.

  • Continuing to build on available support for players' mental and physical well-being was highlighted, especially when recovering from injury.

  • Creating a 'whole-of-club' coaching approach across Juniors and Seniors was highlighted to build an 'Emus way of playing', including development of skills, retention and succession planning.

  • Playing surfaces were viewed positively, but upgrading facilities and infrastructure from a general perspective was highlighted eg: installing an electronic scoreboard.

  • Improving transparency regarding club operations, positions appointments and plans was highlighted.



The next phase of the project is underway, with small working groups coming together to review the survey results and form recommendations to submit to the Board of Directors to assist in the creation and endorsement of the final Development Plan 2024-2027. 


There are opportunities for interested members of the community join these working groups. To express your interest or for more information, contact Emus Junior President James Cardiff:

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