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Thirty-nine respondents provided feedback to our community survey, a small sample size but sufficient to reflect community views and progress the project to its next phase. The next phase of the project is underway, with small working groups coming together to review the survey results and form recommendations to submit to the Board of Directors to assist in the creation and endorsement of the final Development Plan 2024-2027. Working groups will focus on discussing the survey results in context of the club's key focus areas:


PLAYERS: How to improve the player experience:

Overall, feedback was positive regarding the many aspects of the player experience eg; coaching quality, facilities, kit, atmosphere, environment and support. In particular, the club's focus on enjoyment and improvement was highlighted. Focus on and the importance of a strong community was also a recurring theme for positive feedback and has, in turn, been identified as a priority area for further discussion with our community.


Other items of note included the strength of the club's support of players' mental well-being, which was highlighted as part of normal discussion at the club. Very positive feedback was also received regarding the club's external communication, particularly through social media platforms. Possible improvements and actions related to this key focus area include:

  • Construction of women's changerooms, noting this was a work in progress at the time and is now complete. Concerns existed regarding the use of these changerooms during high-traffic weekends.

  • Continued development of the already positive and inclusive community within the club and exploration of more comprehensive integration between the different demographics in the club.

  • Development of a more comprehensive plan for player injury management and return to play, particularly related to significant injuries which require a greater level of care.

  • More support for girls to play junior rugby and then transition into the senior club.


COACHES AND MANAGERS: How to support coaches and managers:

Very positive responses were received regarding the coaches and managers as well as the quality of equipment available. Feedback on improvements followed a theme of building depth in existing activities. Possible actions include:

  • Leveraging existing support available through Central West Rugby Union, NSW Rugby Union and Rugby Australia to better support coaching and developing opportunities. Also, exploration of development opportunities outside Rugby Australia provided pathways.

  • Development of coaching plans across the entire club holistically, including age group 'laddering' to build skills based on age and skill level, to form a 'whole-of-club' approach and 'Emus way of playing'.

  • Explore holding pop-up clinics across age groups targeting specific skill sets.

  • For managers, explore options to ease the burden of administrative work.

  • Create succession plans for coaches by developing and supporting new coaches, to future-proof club leadership. This includes better transparency in processes and how coaches are appointed.​


GROUNDS AND FACILITIES: What improvements are needed:

Realistic and constructive feedback was received regarding grounds and facilities. Playing fields were largely reviewed positively, with recent work to improve resilience to wet weather acknowledged. However, concerns remain about grounds' capacity to handle heavy rains during the season, particularly No.2.


A revamp of existing facilities is desired with several improvements identified including the refurbishment of the clubhouse interior, installation of an electronic scoreboard, completion of changerooms for No.2 and refresh of external toilet block, improved seating at ground level and easier access to the club on game day through improved traffic flow.


Feedback showed a balanced understanding of the club's limited resources to make large-scale upgrades in the short-term, while suggestions were made regarding long-term ideas to improve infrastructure. For example, conversion of the No.2 field to a synthetic pitch or building a second level on the existing clubhouse.


OPERATIONS: How can we improve our hospitality offerings:

Positive feedback was received regarding the club and hospitality offerings. Themes for discussion and improvement that emerged focused on improving the operation of the bar at peak times, consistency in opening hours and offerings, a general refresh of the club house and better promotion of game days and other events.


COMMUNITY: How can we create a strong community:

Suggestions and feedback on this topic focused on creating a ‘whole-of-club’ approach to incorporate all areas of the club with rugby at its centre. For example, how to improve communication in the club, integration of the different stakeholder groups within the club, expanding the services offered in the clubhouse and branching into other aligned sports.


For more information contact Emus Junior President James Cardiff:

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